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Naghma Farooqi, MD

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecologic Surgery
Director of Labor & Delivery
Director of CODA for Gyn
GME site director for Gyn

If you are a patient, please do not contact this physician by email without her prior expressed consent due to confidentiality concerns.

Contact Information

Mailing Address: 490 Illinois St, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143
Clinic Location: Mission Bay: Owens Street, Mission Bay: Gateway, Labor & Delivery,
UCSF Betty Irene Moore Women's Hospital
Clinic Phone: (415) 353-3400
Clinic Fax: 415-353-3533


Year Institution & Location Degree Field of Study
1991 Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan M.D. Medicine
1993 Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan Residency Ob/Gyn
2007 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX Residency Ob/Gyn

Selected Publications

Farooqi, N. Cesarean Section Leading to Cesarean Hysterectomy. Toy EC, Yeomans E, Fonseca L, and Ernest JM (eds) 2011. Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 64-73.

E. Hensleee, S. Prien, L. Penrose, N. Farooqi. Use of Oral Agents and/or insulin in the treatment of Diabetes during Pregnancy: An examination of outcomes in pre-gestational versus gestational diabetes. OJOG 2014.