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Photo of Sloane Berger-Chen, MD
Sloane Berger-Chen, MD


If you are a patient, please do not contact this physician by email without her prior expressed consent due to confidentiality concerns.

Contact Information

Mailing Address: 2356 Sutter St, J-140
San Francisco, CA 94115
Clinic Phone: (415) 353-3400
Clinic Fax: 415-885-7718

Research/Clinical Interests

Dr. Sloane Berger-Chen is a gynecologist with a focus on pediatric and adolescent patients. She is particularly passionate about helping young patients in areas of reproductive and sexual health as they transition into adulthood. Dr. Berger-Chen is interested in providing care for young patients with complex medical, hormonal and anatomical conditions including pubertal abnormalities, differences in sexual development, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovarian syndrome as well as support during and after oncology care.



Year Institution & Location Degree Field of Study
2001 University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii M.D. Medicine
2005 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA Residency Obstetrics & Gynecology

Selected Publications

Diagnosis and management of Hymeneal variants, ACOG Committee Opinion #780, Berger-Chen S., Amies-Oelschlager A. June 2019

Management of Acute Obstructive Uterovaginal Anomalies, ACOG Committee Opinion #779, Amies-Oelschlager A, Berger-Chen S., June 2019

Gynecologic Issues in Children and Adolescent Cancer Patients and Survivors, ACOG Committee Opinion #747 Keyser, E, Berger-Chen S.

An unusual presentation of uterine didelphys and obstructed hemivagina. Berger-Chen S, Ritch JM, Kim JH, Evanko J, Hensle TW. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2012 Dec;25(6):e129-31.

Access to conservative surgical therapy for adolescents with benign ovarian masses. Berger-Chen S, Herzog TJ, Lewin SN, Burke WM, Neugut AI, Hershman DL, Wright JD. Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Feb;11 9(2 Pt 1):270-5.

Thyroid cancer in pregnancy. Yasmeen S, Cress R, Romano PS, Xing G, Berger-Chen S, Danielsen B, Smith LH. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Oct;91(1):15-20.