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Alisha Tolani, MD

Reproductive Endocrinologist

If you are a patient, please do not contact this physician by email without her prior expressed consent due to confidentiality concerns.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:  499 Illinois St. 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94158
Practice Phone: 415-353-7475

Research/Clinical Interests

Perinatal loss, Expanding fertility care to poor and low resource setting


Year Institution & Location Degree Field of Study
2017 Stanford University School of Medicine M.D. Medicine
2021 Stanford University School of Medicine Residency Obstetrics and Gynecology 
2024 University of California, San Francisco Fellowship Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility 

ASRM Pilot & Exploratory Grant Recipient, 2023

Clinical Excellence in Patient Care Award, Stanford Healthcare, 2020• Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Scholarship, 2020

REI Rotation Outstanding Performance Award, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, 2019

GoFar Scholarship, Stanford Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2019

Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award, Stanford University, 2010• James W. Lyons Award, Stanford University, 2010

American Public Health Association Fellowship, Stanford in Government, 2010

Edie Moore Scholarship, Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine, 2009

Human Biology Research Exploration Fellowship, Stanford University, 2008

Innovative Research Award, Stanford University, 2007

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals Conference Grant, 2009

Wang A, Corley J, Anderson-Bialis J, Morris JR, Tolani AT, Citro L, Anderson Bialis D, Fujimoto VY.Geographic differences in self-report satisfaction with fertility clinics and doctors. Fertility & Sterility.2022 Oct; 118(4): E369Tolani AT, Cedars MI, Zablotska LB, Rinaudo PF. Metabolomic Profile of Children Conceived WithMedically Assisted Technologies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Jan 17;108(2):315-322. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgac589. PMID: 36214833.

Panelli DM, Sherwin EB, Lee CJ, Leonard SA, Miller SE, Miller HE, Tolani AT, Hoover V, Ansari JR,Khandelwal A, Bianco K. Clinical factors associated with a positive postpartum depression screen inpeople with cardiac disease during pregnancy. Curr Res Psychiatry. 2022;2(2):25-29. doi:10.46439/Psychiatry.2.027. PMID: 36570491; PMCID: PMC9788649.

Ryan EM, Tolani AT, Folkins A, Lathi RB. The menstrual cycle phase impacts the detection of plasmacells and the diagnosis of chronic endometritis in endometrial biopsy specimens. Forthcoming inFertility & Sterility in October 2022.

Wang A, Corley J, Anderson-Bialis J, Morris JR, Tolani A, Citro L, Anderson Bialis D, Fujimoto VF.Geographic differences in self-reported satisfaction with fertility clinics and doctors. Forthcoming in
Fertility & Sterility (to be presented at ASRM 2022)

Parameshwar PS, Bianco K, Sherwin EB, Meza PK, Tolani A, Bates P, Sie L, López Enríquez AS.,Sanchez DE., Herrarte ER. and Daniels, K., 2022. Mixed methods evaluation of simulation-basedtraining for postpartum hemorrhage management in Guatemala. BMC Pregnancy andChildbirth, 22(1), pp.1-9.

Tolani AT, Ryan E, Folkins A, Lathi RB. Does the timing of endometrial biopsy impact the detection ofendometrial plasma cells? Fertility & Sterility. 2020, March; 114(3). E192.

Tolani, AT, Ryan E, Folkins A, Lathi RB. Intrauterine pathology is associated with higher incidence ofendometrial plasma cell infiltrate. Fertility & Sterility. 2020, March; 114(3). E192.

Ryan E, Tolani AT, Folkins A, Lathi, RB. Endometrial biopsy timing is a major influencing factor in thediagnosis of chronic endometritis. Fertility & Sterility. 2020, April; 113 (4). E29-30.

Lee, CJ, Sie L, Sherwin, E, Girsen AI, Tolani AT, Miller HM, Panelli D, Do SC, Khandelwal, A, BiancoK. Perinatal outcomes in women with cardiac arrhythmia. Reproductive Sciences. 2020, March; 27(1).161A.

Panelli DM, Sherwin EB, Lee CJ, Suharwardy S, Miller HE, Tolani AT, Girsen AI, Leonard SA,Warshawsky S, Judy A, Khandelwal A, Bianco K. Postpartum Depression Among Women with CardiacDisease: Considerations During the Delivery Admission. Reproductive Sciences. 2020, March; 27(1):246A

Tolani, AT, Do, SC, Blumenfeld, YJ., Sie, L. Girsen, AI, Lee, CC, Sherwin, E, Tsur, A, El-Sayed, YY,Khandelwal A, Bianco, K. Care of the pregnant cardiac patient – the importance of a multidisciplinaryapproach. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019, January; 220(1): S536.

Do, S, Lee, CL, Tolani, AT, Sie L, Sherwin, E, Girsen AI, El-Sayed, Y, Khandelwal, A, Blumenfeld YJ,Bianco, K. A multidisciplinary approach to care of pregnant patients with history of open heart surgery.Reproductive Sciences. 2019, March; 25(1). S075.

Do, S, Tolani, AT, Sie, L, Girsen, AI, Lee, CJ, Sherwin, E, Panelli, DM, El-Sayed Y, Khandelwal A,Blumenfeld, Y, Bianco, K. Maternal Outcomes in Planned and Unplanned Pregnanciesin Women with Cardiac Disease. Reproductive Sciences. 2019, March; 25 (1). S074.

Hellyer, J, Hunter, O, Shafiq, M, Tolani, AT, Druzin, M, Jeng, M, Rockson, S, Lowsky, R. Pregnancycomplicated by Gorham-Stout Disease and refractory chylothorax. American Journal of PerinatologyReports. 2016, Oct; 6 (4): e355-358. PMID: 5050042

Tolani AT, Yeom K, Elbers J, Focal cerebral arteriopathy: the face with many names. PediatricNeurology. 2015, Sep; 53 (3): 247-252. PMID: 26122406.

Grace, AM, Lippert, S, Collins, K, Pineda, N, Tolani, AT, Walker, R, Jeong, M, Boukhman Trounce, M,Graham, C, Bersamin, M, Martinez, J, Dotzler, J, Vanek, J, Oki, K, Storfer-Isser, A, Chamberlain, LJ,Horwitz, SM. Educating health care professionals on human trafficking. Pediatric Emergency Care.2014, Dec; 30 (12): 856-861. PMID: 25407038

Conti, J, Tolani, A, Miller, H. Support abortion services for CSU and UC students. San Jose MercuryNews. March 19, 2018.

Tolani AT, Yen, S. College students’ perceptions and use of withdrawal, condoms, and emergencycontraception. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2010, Feb; 46(2): S55-56.

Tolani AT., Yen, S. Many websites fail to dispel myths about IUDs, emergency contraception, birthcontrol, and proper timing of pap smears. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2009, Feb; 44 (2): S24-25.

Tolani AT, Yen, S. College students’ sexual health: Behaviors, STD testing and prevention, and papsmear knowledge. Contraception. 2009, Aug; 80(2): S219-220.Tolani AT, Yen, S. Undergraduates’ usage patterns and misconceptions about pregnancy preventionmethods. Contraception. 2009, Aug; 80(2): S226