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Annalisa Post, MD

Assistant Professor

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Contact Information

Mailing Address:

490 Illinois St, Box 0132
San Francisco, CA 94143

Practice Phone: 415/353-2566

Research/Clinical Interests

Fetal complications such as birth defects, genetic disorders, and complex multiple gestations including monoamniotic twins. Prenatal diagnosis and ultrasound-guided procedures. Maternal complications including cancer in pregnancy, hematologic disease in pregnancy, preeclampsia, and transplacental transfer of maternal antibodies.


Year Institution & Location Degree Field of Study
2005 Whitman College, Walla Walla B.A Biology
2011 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester M.D. Medicine
2015 University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora Residency Obstetrics and Gynecology
2015 Duke University, Durham Fellowship Maternal Fetal Medicine

Achievements & Recognition

Year Major Honors
2011 University of Rochester/David Guzick Merit Scholarship in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2011 University of Rochester/Women in Medicine Academic Achievement Award
2011 - 2014 University of Colorado/Resident Teaching Award
2014 University of Colorado/SMFM Resident Award for Excellence in Obstetrics

Selected Publications

Post A, Goetzl L. Obstetric Anesthesia. Chapter from: Hurt KJ. Pocket Obstetrics and Gynecology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Silverstein J, Post AL, Chien AJ, Olin R, Tsai KK,  Ngo Z, Van Loon K. Multidisciplinary management of cancer during pregnancy. JCO Oncol Pract. 2020 Sep;16(9):545-557.

Post AL, Li SH, Berry M, Itell H, Martinez DR, Xie G, Permar SR, Swamy GK, Fouda GG. Efficiency of Placental Transfer of Vaccine-elicited Antibodies Relative to Prenatal Tdap Vaccination Status. Vaccine. 2020 Jun 26;38(31):4869-4876

Siegel AM, Clinton CM, Post AL, Truong T, Pieper CF, Hughes BL. Assessing patient perceptions of cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy. J Med Virol. 2020 Feb; 92(12).

Wood AM, Post AL, Swamy GK, Grotegut CA. Neonatal outcomes associated with noncephalic presentation at delivery in preterm birth. Am J Perinatol 2018.

Post A, Heyborne K. Managing Monoamniotic Twin Pregnancies.Clin Obste Gynecol 2015 58(3): 643-53
Baumgartner HK, trinder KM, Galimanis CE, Post A, Phang T, Ross RG, Winn VD. Characterization of choline transporters in the human placenta over gestation. Placenta. 2015 Dec:36(12):1362-9.
Moore GS, Allshouse AA, Post AL, Galan HL, Heyborne KD. Early initiation of low-dose aspirin for reduction in preeclampsia risk in high-risk women: a secondary analysis of the MFMU High-Risk Aspirin Study. J Perinatol. 2015 May;35(5):328-31.
Thornburg LL, Mulconry M, Post A, Carpenter A, Grace D, and Pressman E. Fetal nuchal translucency evaluation in the overweight and obese gravida. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2009;33:665-9