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Jacquelyn Chyu
Jacquelyn Chyu, MD

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Contact Information

Mailing Address: 490 Illinois St, Box 0132
San Francisco, CA 94143
Practice Phone: 415/353-2566

Research/Clinical Interests

Fetal therapy, antenatal testing, prenatal diagnosis, induction of labor, high risk pregnancy, medical ethics.


Year Institution & Location Degree Field of Study
1986 Union College, New York B.S Biology
1990 State University of New York M.D Medicine
1994 The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of the Pennsylvania State University Residency Obstetrics and Gynecology
2018 Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Fellowship Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Achievements & Recognition

1986 Bruce M. Garber Prize
1982-1986 Dana Foundation Scholarship
1994 American Associateion of Gynecolgic Laparoscopists Award for special Excellence in Endoscopic Procedures
1995 Fellow Teaching Award

Selected Publications

Chyu J, Philatova E, Ferrazzi E, Rigano S, Bozzo M, Renfrew B, et al. Umbilical venous blood flow in singleton versus twin pregnancies: A longitudinal study. (Abstract #646). Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 185 (6): S255.

Chyu J, Philatova E, Ferrazzi E, Rigano S, Bozzo M, Renfrew B, et al. Umbilical venous blood flow is twin-twin transfusion syndrome managed with therapeutic amniocentesis. (Abstract #645). Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002; 185 (6): S255.

Chyu J, Hobbins J, Galan H. Umbilical venous blood flow before serial amnioreductions in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. (Abstract #463) Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189 (6): S186.

Chyu J, Hobbins J, Galan H. Discordance in umbilical artery resistance in twin pregnancies. (Abstract #675). Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189 (6): S242.