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Main Address
UCSF OB/GYN&RS Residency Program
490 Illinois Street
10th Floor, Box 0132
San Francisco, CA 94143
Location | Office Phone | Fax |
Mission Bay | (415) 476 - 5192 | (415) 476 - 1811 |
Mount Zion | (415) 353 - 9240 | (415) 353 - 9509 |
San Francisco General Hospital | (628) 206 - 3061 | (628) 206 - 3112 |
Research/Clinical Interests: Health Equity, Black Maternal Mortality, Social Determinants of Health, Community-based participatory research, Health Systems Management
Year |
Institution | Degree | Field of Study |
current | University of California, San Francisco | Residency | Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences |
2022 | Tulane University School of Medicine | MD | Medicine |
2022 | Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine | MPH | Health Policy and Management |
2017 | University of Pennsylvania | BA | Health and Societies (Health Care Markets and Finance) |
Research & Professional Experience
Year | |
2021-present | Researcher- University of South Alabama Center for Healthy Communities; Mobile, AL- Studied sentinel surveillance model for evaluating health disparities and health fatalism in diabetes within structurally marginalized communities. |
2019-2022 | Researcher- Department of Epidemiology, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine; New Orleans, LA- Studied association between cardiovascular risk factors pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy |
2021 | All of Us Minority Student Research Symposium Scholar |
2019-2022 |
Research Assistant- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tulane University School of Medicine; New Orleans, LA- Studied disparities in antepartum morbidities among Black, White, and newly immigrated Hispanic women in New Orleans |
2017-2018 | Research Coordinator- Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Informatics, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA- Enrolled, consented and managed subjects throughout the CDC Epi-center project studying multi-drug resistant organisms in the treatment of urinary tract infections |
2016-2017 | Research Assistant- Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA- Evaluated the use of novel biomarkers in detecting fibrosis in patients with chronic kidney disease |
Achievements & Recognition
Year | Major Honors |
2022 | Delta Omega Honor Society |
2022 | Oscar Creech, MD Award |
2022 | USPHS Excellence in Public Health Award |
2021 | Community Foundation of South Alabama Eichold MD/MPH Scholarship |
2018 | Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholar |
2018 | Hawthorne Scholar |
2017 | Althea Gibson Award |
2016 | Onyx Senior Honor Society |
Poster Presentations
Robillard K, Monnig L, Gill F, Robinson J, Taylor J, Xia P, AbiSamra L, Ayemoba J, Brew E, Cooper E, CROOK C, Eaton J, Garvie K, Gwan P, Herbert M, Matthews C, Mulloy C, Reuter E, Sanfilippo A. Evaluation of an SBHC Model for Adolescent Sexual Health Education. Poster Presented at: Louisiana School Based Health Alliance Annual Conference; April 8, 2019; Lake Charles, LA.
CROOK C, Diaz S, Kwon J, Mvula M, Dietzen A, Fustok J, Freer K, and Dola C. Examining Disparities in Antepartum Morbidities among Black, White, and Newly Immigrated Hispanic Women in New Orleans. Presented at: Student National Medical Association, Region 3 Medical Education and Leadership Conference; November 2, 2019; Dallas, TX.
CROOK C. Evaluating Environmental and Genetic Interaction in Peripartum Morbidity. Presented at: All of Us Minority Student Research Symposium; May 22, 2021; Virtual.
Oral Presentations
CROOK C. Tracking Social Determinants of Health Using the All of Us Datatset. Oral presentation at: AAMC Research on Care Community (ROCC) and AAMC Collaborative for Health Equity: Act, Research, and Generate Evidence (CHARGE) Webinar; July 15, 2021; Virtual.
CROOK C, Crook E, Parker LL, Arrieta MI. Health Fatalsim in Diabetes within Populations of Mobile, Alabama. Oral Presentation at: Southern Regional Meeting. February 10-12, 2022; New Orleans, LA.
CROOK C. Diversity in sport. Oral presentation at: Open Conversation on Diversity in Athletics. April 19, 2017; Philadelphia, PA.
Crook ED, CROOK CE, Arrieta MI and Hanks RS. Health disparities and their impact on community health. In Mpofu E, ed. Sustainable Community Health: Systems and Practices in Diverse Settings. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan; 2020:39-70.
CROOK CE. Making an ImPACT: how Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing became a standard in sport. Momentum. 2018;5(1):20-30.
Matossian M, CROOK C, Golberg A, Stathopoulos A, Tien J, Sheth S, Saqqa O, Shamburger CD. Domino effect in a patient with Epstein-Barr Virus infection and autoimmunity: A case report. International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 2020;15(6):193-197.
CROOK C. If you take a pill, you are at risk. Pandemic Perspectives: The COVID-19 Journal for Medical Trainees. 2020;1(1):42-43.
CROOK C. If you take a pill, you are at risk: A personal reflection on health information dissemination in Black communities. KevinMD. December 5, 2020.
Harville EW, CROOK CE, Bazzano LA, Woo JG, Burns TL, Raitakari O, Urbina EM, Venn A, Jacobs D, Steinberger J, Sinaiko A, Dwyer T, Juonala M. Cardiovascular risk factors before and during pregnancy: Does pregnancy unmask or initiate risk? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. PMID: 34482586
CROOK, C. The Syndemic and Variations in The Perceptions of Law Enforcement in the U.S.: “Flip Him the Bird and Drive Faster”: How a hypnosis demonstrated systemic discrimination. The CHC Advocate. July 26, 2021.
CROOK, C. Exquisitely Tender. In-Training: the Agora of the Medical Student Community. August 9, 2021.