If you are a patient, please do not contact a physician by email without their prior expressed consent due to confidentiality concerns.

Main Address
UCSF OB/GYN&RS Residency Program
490 Illinois Street
10th Floor, Box 0132
San Francisco, CA 94143
Location | Office Phone | Fax |
Mission Bay | (415) 476 - 5192 | (415) 476 - 1811 |
Mount Zion | (415) 353 - 9240 | (415) 353 - 9509 |
San Francisco General Hospital | (628) 206 - 3061 | (628) 206 - 3112 |
Research/Clinical Interests: Health policy, reproductive justice, health equity, gender equity, maternal mental health, medical education
Year |
Institution | Degree | Field of Study |
current | University of California, San Francisco | Residency | Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences |
2021 | Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA | MD | Medicine |
2021 | Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA | MPP | Public Policy |
2015 | Mills College, Oakland, CA | Post-Baccalaureate Pre-medical Sciences Certificate | |
2012 | Stanford University, Stanford, CA | BA | Human Biology |
Research & Professional Experience
Year | |
2020-2021 | Researcher, Gender and Sexual Harassment in Medical Training, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School, Boston, MA |
2019-2021 | Researcher, Microaggressions in Graduate Medical Education, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA |
2019-2021 | Researcher, Women’s Mental Health and Traumatic Birth, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA |
2020-2021 | Admissions Committee Member, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
2020 | Teaching Assistant, Transition to the Principle Clinical Experience, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
2015-2016 | Research Analyst, Long-Acting Reversible Contraception, University of California, San Francisco Bixby Center, San Francisco, CA |
2014 | Project Manager, Medical Practices and Informed Consent, Stanford School of Medicine Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford, CA |
2012-2013 | Stanford Tom Ford Fellow in Philanthropy, United Nations Foundation, New York, NY |
2011-2012 | Research Assistant, USAID Disbursement of Development Assistance for Health, Center for Innovation in Global Health, Stanford, CA |
2011 | Teaching Assistant, Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health, Stanford, CA |
2011 | Global Health Operations Intern, Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, D.C. |
Achievements & Recognition
Year | Major Honors |
2021 | HMS Presidential Scholars Public Service Initiative Awardee, Harvard Medical School |
2021 | Graduation Speaker, Harvard Medical School |
2021 | Semi-Finalist, Harvard President’s Innovation Challenge |
2019 | Knowles Fellowship, Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Medical School |
2017 | Delegate, United Nations Youth Forum at the 61st Commission on the Status of Women |
2012 | Tom Ford Fellow in Philanthropy, Stanford Haas Center for Public Service |
2012 | Graduation Speaker, Stanford Human Biology Department Ceremony |
2012 | Award of Excellence, Stanford Alumni Association |
2011 | Keynote Speaker, Stanford Office of Development |
2010 | Public Service Leadership Fellow, Stanford Haas Center for Public Service |
Poster Presentations
WIJANGCO I, Fisher H, Chatterjee P, Yialamas MA. Analyzing resident experiences of microaggressions to inform intervention training. American Medical Association Research Symposium; Virtual. December, 2020
WIJANGCO I, Fisher H, Chatterjee P, Yialamas MA. “I want to have the courage”: Analyzing resident experiences of microaggressions to inform intervention training. American Medical Women’s Association Leadership Development Conference for Women Physicians; Virtual. March, 2020
Gurel A, Schroeder R, Blum M, El Ayadi A, Folse C, Harper C, Cabral M, WIJANGCO I. Contraception and community colleges: How do we ensure high-quality, comprehensive, and accessible birth control education to meet student needs? American Public Health Association Conference. Denver, CO. October 2016
Oral Presentations
WIJANGCO I moderator, Rosenfeld D, Wald S. Rising Together to End Sexual Harassment. Women in Power Conference at Harvard Kennedy School; Virtual. March 2021
Latham K, WIJANGCO I, Baecher-Lind L, Royce C. Self-Defense for Sexual Harassment: Empowering Learners and Cultivating Culture Change. APGO Faculty Development Seminar; Virtual. January, 2021
Amanuel H*, Radford K*, Schwartz L*, WIJANGCO I*, Ojo T, Singer M, Meadows A, Mateo C, Molina R, Bartz D. Reproductive Justice Case Examples of How Healthcare Systems and Policies Contribute to Health Inequity: Racism and Reproductive Health. Harvard Medical School Essentials of the Profession Course; Virtual. October, 2020
WIJANGCO I, Fisher H, Chatterjee P, Yialamas MA. “Please don't call me honeyʺ: Analyzing Internal Medicine Resident Experiences of Gender Microaggressions to Inform Intervention Training. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment Public Summit; Virtual. October 2020
Kelley M, James C, Alessi Kraft S, Korngiebel D, WIJANGCO I, Joffe S, Cho MK, Wilfond B, Lee SS. The Role of Patient Perspectives in Clinical Research Ethics and Policy: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "Patient Perspectives on the Learning Health System". American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 16, pp. W7-9. Feb 2016.
Kelley M, James C, Alessi Kraft S, Korngiebel D, WIJANGCO I, Rosenthal E, Joffe S, Cho MK, Wilfond B, Lee SS. Patient Perspectives on the Learning Health System: The Importance of Trust and Shared Decision Making. American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 15, pp. 4-17. Sept 2015.
Medical Student Section Representative, AMA Women Physicians Section Governing Council, Boston, MA - 2020-2021
Liaison for Medical Students, Harvard Medical School Title IX, Boston, MA - 2019-2021
Liaison for HKS Students, Harvard Kennedy School Title IX, Boston, MA - 2019-2021
Curriculum Design Working Group, Reproductive Justice Task Force, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA - 2020-2021
Student Lobbyist, American Medical Association, Washington, D.C. - 2020
Student Lobbyist, #ProtectOurPatients, Boston, MA - 2016-2017