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COVID-19 Patient Pantry

ZSFG/UCSF Patient Pantry

Our goal is to serve low resource families throughout San Francisco by providing medical supplies, home goods, and groceries. With the help of over 20 UCSF student volunteers, neighbors and local organizations, we have been able to supply over 8 clinical sites, and over 50 patient homes with a total to date of more than 1000 deliveries! 

With the support of SF Wholesale Produce Market, we have been able to provide produce sourced from local growers. 


How to donate items:

You can either leave your items outside your home for one of our volunteers to pick-up or you can drop them off at our inventory address. Please email us to discuss these options at

Items we accept:

  • Diapers and pull-ups: all sizes
  • Baby items: Baby wipes, diaper cream, baby clothes, baby cereal, newborn formula, stroller, car seat
  • Other items: blood pressure cuff, thermometer, hand soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, pads


Sign up to volunteer!

We are looking for pantry food packers and delivery drivers. Volunteers are the backbone of this effort! Please fill out the volunteer form to get started! Volunteer opportunities are socially distanced with masks worn and not conducted in a tightly enclosed space. Thank you! 

Volunteer Form


How to give money:

Tax Deductible: Through the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.

You may donate online or by check. Online is much faster for us to receive the money.

  • For online donations: San Francisco General Hospital Foundation Select “Other” under Please Use my Gift and fill in “5M COVID” or “Fund 726” so that your donation is deposited into the correct account.

  • For donations by check, make your check payable to SFGH Foundation and specify in the memo either “5M COVID” or “Fund 726” so that your donation is deposited into the correct account. If you prefer, you can complete this PDF icon pdf donation form and include it in the envelope with your check. Send to: SFGH Foundation, P.O. Box 410836, San Francisco, CA 94141.


Delivery Options:

We make deliveries to various clinics around San Francisco. Occasionally, we are able to deliver specific items to individual patients who are not able to come to clinic. The below form is HIPPA compliant. 



  • Misa Perron-Burdick, Medical Director, Women's Health Center, ZSFG



  • San Francisco Emergency Operations Center Feeding Unit
  • San Francisco Department or Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF)
  • San Francisco Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (SF VOAD)
  • The San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market
  • SF Department of Public Health
  • SF Soda Tax Funds