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Brady Magaoay, MD
Resident Physician - PGY 4

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Main Address

UCSF OB/GYN&RS Residency Program
490 Illinois Street
10th Floor, Box 0132
San Francisco, CA 94143

Location Office Phone Fax
Mission Bay (415) 476 - 5192 (415) 476 - 1811
Mount Zion (415) 353 - 9240 (415) 353 - 9509
San Francisco General Hospital (628) 206 - 3061 (628) 206 - 3112

Research/Clinical Interests: Infertility and reproductive preservation, gynecologic oncology, healthcare access and literacy, medical pedagogy



Institution Degree Field of Study
current University of California, San Francisco Residency Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
2021 Weill Cornell Medicine, New York NY MD Medicine
2014 Stanford University, Stanford CA BA Art History

Research & Professional Experience

2019-2021 Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Reproductive Medicine Researcher
2017-2021 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Research Intern
2016-2021 Student Clinician, Weill Cornell Community Clinic and Weill Cornell Women’s Clinic
2016-2017 President, OBGYN Interest Group, Weill Cornell Medicine
2013 Massachusetts General Hospital Research Trainee Program (MGHSRTP)
2012 Stanford Medical School Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Summer Intern
2011 Four Directions Summer Research Program (FDSRP)

Achievements & Recognition

Year Major Honors
2020 Glickman Fellowship for Gynecologic Oncology at New York Presbyterian Hospital
2017 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Medical Student Summer Fellowship
2014 BA in Art History with Honors
2014 Humes Humanities Honors Fellowship
2013 Vice Provost For Undergraduate Education Biology Summer Research Fellowship

Poster Presentations

MAGAOAY B, Bortoletto P, Athanasiou Ad, Athanasiou An, Romanski P, James D, Spandorfer. Predictive Value of Early Serum HCG in Programmed Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles. American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) (Virtual). October 2020

Bortoletto P, Romanski P, MAGAOAY B, Spandorfer S. Time from Oocyte Retrieval to Single Embryo Transfer in the Natural Cycle Does Not Affect Cycle Outcomes. American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) (Virtual). October 2020

Romanski P, Bortoletto P, MAGAOAY B, Chung A, Spandorfer S. Live Birth Outcomes in Infertile Patients with Class III and Class IV Obesity Following Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation. American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) (Virtual). October 2020

Romanski P, Bortoletto P, Chung A, MAGAOAY B, Spandorfer S. Reproductive and Obstetric Outcomes in Mildly and Significantly Underweight Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization. American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) (Virtual). October 2020

Craig-Schapiro R, MAGAOAY B, Grover R, Sultan S, Aull M, Kapur S. The Challenge of Selecting Induction Agent: A Dual Regimen for Medically High-Risk Kidney Recipients. American Transplant Congress (Virtual). June 2020

MAGAOAY B, Athanasiou An, Athanasiou Ad, James D, Spandorfer S. Cytokine Markers and the Relationship with Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Poster presentation at the Weill Cornell Medicine Area of Concentration Poster Presentation (Virtual). June 2020

Craig-Schapiro R, MAGAOAY B, Grover R, Sultan S, Aull M, Kapur S. The Challenge of Selecting Induction Agent: A Dual Regimen for Medically High-Risk Kidney Recipients. American Transplant Congress Annual Meeting (Virtual). September 2020

MAGAOAY B, McCormic P, Atkinson T, Hicks M, Broach V, Sonoda Y, Zivanovic O, Chi D, Afonso A. Is Depression a Cause for an Increased Length of Stay for Women with Gynecologic Malignancies. Poster session at Memorial Sloan Kettering Summer Medical Student Summer Fellowship. August 2017


Huang D, MAGAOAY B, Rosen MP, Cedars MI. Presence of Fibroids on Transvaginal Ultrasonography in a Community-Based, Diverse Cohort of 996 Reproductive-Age Female Participants.JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):e2312701. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.12701. PMID: 37163265

Bortoletto P, Romanski PA, MAGAOAY BI, Rosenwaks Z, Spandorfer SD. Time from oocyte retrieval to frozen embryo transfer in the natural cycle does not impact reproductive or neonatal outcomes. Fertil Steril. 2021 May;115(5):1232-1238. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.11.011. Epub 2021 Feb 12. PMID: 33589140

Romanski PA, Bortoletto P, MAGAOAY B, Chung A, Rosenwaks Z, Spandorfer SD. Live birth outcomes in infertile patients with class III and class IV obesity following fresh embryo transfer. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Feb;38(2):347-355. doi: 10.1007/s10815-020-02011-1. Epub 2020 Nov 16. PMID: 33200310

Romanski PA, Bortoletto P, Chung A, MAGAOAY B, Rosenwaks Z, Spandorfer SD. Reproductive and obstetric outcomes in mildly and significantly underweight women undergoing IVF. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 Feb;42(2):366-374. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2020.10.011. Epub 2020 Oct 24. PMID: 33243662

Im H, Castro CM, Shao H, Liong M, Song J, Pathania D. Fexon L, Min C, Avila-Wallace M, Zurkiya O, Rho J, MAGAOAY B, Tambouret RH, Pivovarov M, Weissleder R, Lee H. Digital diffraction analysis enables low-cost molecular diagnostics on a smartphone. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015; 112(18): 5613-8. PMID: 25870273

Englert JA, Macias A, Pinilla M, Guan J, MAGAOAY B, Amador-Munoz D, Isabelle C, Velandia M, Coronata A, Lee A, Fredenburgh LE, Culley D, Crosby G, Baron R. Isoflurane ameliorates acute lung injury by preserving epithelial tight junction integrity. Anesthesiology. 2015 Aug;123(2):377-88. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000742. PMID: 26068207

MAGAOAY, B, Thomas, D, and Chugtai, B.A. Diode Laser Resection of Prostate (980). Comprehensive Guide to the Prostate. Elsevier Science, St. Louis, 2018; 99-105. ISBN 978-0-12-811464-3