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Make a Gift to the Comprehensive Fibroid Program

You can also contact Cia Glover at [email protected]
or 415-502-6437. No donation is too small for this great cause!



Patients, please visit the Comprehensive Fibroid Center at UCSF Health for additional information on our team, the condition, symptoms, and diagnosis and treatment of fibroids.

Requesting an Appointment

Patients who would like to make an appointment can do so through the Comprehensive Fibroid Center website at UCSF Health.

Patient-centered Approach

We are proud to bring together physicians and staff to provide comprehensive fibroid care for women with uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and other gynecologic conditions that cause heavy menstrual bleeding. Our team is composed of gynecologists and interventional radiologists with expertise in a wide range of treatment options for women with symptomatic fibroids.
Our gynecologists are specialists in minimally invasive surgical procedures. Our patient centered model emphasizes treatment plans tailored to each patient, time to ask questions and respect for each woman's choices. A diagnosis of fibroids can be scary, upsetting and stressful-we're here to help!

Fibroid Center Highlights

  • Individualized care plans based on patient preference and fibroid characteristics
  • Expertise with minimally invasive surgical techniques including laparoscopic, robotic and hysteroscopic procedures
  • Skill performing uterine-preserving procedures such as myomectomy, endometrial ablation and laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation (Acessa)
  • Coordination of care for uterine artery embolization (UAE)
  • Collaborative practice with other UCSF specialists, including fertility specialists, obstetricians and interventional radiologists
  • Experience providing second opinion consultations
  • Opportunities to participate in clinical research studies

Fibroids patientwdoctor