Course Objectives:
The objective for this course is to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about pregnancy, childbirth, and obstetric care through inter-professional classroom and clinical experience.
At the end of this program of study, student participants will have:
· Had the opportunity to develop a continuous, long-term experience with a person accessing obstetric health care services.
· Gained knowledge about the experience and management of pregnancy and childbirth.
· Gained understanding of the role of preventive care in the reproductive health care setting.
· Developed greater understanding of inter-professional teams and roles in pregnancy, childbirth and obstetric care by learning from a diverse range of health care professionals including physicians, nurse midwives, social workers, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and doulas.
· Had the opportunity to develop inter-professional relationships with fellow health professional students who are interested in obstetric care.
Course Requirements
Students must attend 8 out of 10 class sessions to pass the course. There will be an opportunity to participate in a make-up activity at the end of the course for students who were only able to attend 7 of the 10 class sessions. Participation this activity will be mandatory for these students to pass the course.
This class is offered for 1 credit to those who attend all required lectures, and 2 credits to those who attend all required lectures and participate in one of the clinical opportunities, described on the first day of class.
The classroom component provides you with information about important topics relating to the perinatal period.
In the clinical component, each student is paired with a pregnant person who is receiving prenatal care through one of the practices at UCSF or SFGH. The expectation is that the student attends prenatal visits with his/her person and is present at the birth. This is a great opportunity to get to know, work with, and learn from a consumer of health care services over a period of time.
Fall 2020