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High Value Care Elective

Course Info:

This course will be an introduction to the ideas of overuse and healthcare value for early career health professional students. This course will give students tools to identify low value care, elicit patient preferences and hold productive conversations with superiors about appropriate patient care. Each week, the course will host a speaker on a topic related to overuse and present a case study related to that topic.


Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Define concepts of high-value care, care variation, overtreatment and overtesting.

  • Understand the drivers of low-value care.

  • Recognize commonly overused tests and procedures.

  • Examine the emotional burden of low-value care

  • Demonstrate strategies to combat low-value and its emotional burden

  • Demonstrate strategies to engage in conversations about high-value care with peers, supervisors and patients.


Requirements for the Course:

  1. Attend at least 8 out of 11 of the Tuesday lunchtime talks.

  2. Complete any assigned readings for each week and be prepared to engage in thoughtful dialogue about the topic each week

  3. If unable to meet these requirements, students should contact the course coordinators in order to create a plan to receive credit for the course


Make Up Session:

  1. Watch TWO of the sessions you did not attend

  2. Write a 1-page reflection for each talk, including your reactions and thoughts and how to it will inform your future role as a health care professional. 


File 2021 Syllabus

Didactic Recordings

02.02.21  High Value Care: What and Why (Including Some Outrageous Examples).  Dr. George Sawaya  link

02.09.21  Conversations to Combat Low Value Care   Dr. Gurpreet Dhaliwal  link

02.16.21  Achieving High-Value Health Care: What Will it Take?  Dr. Malini Nijigal   link

02.23.21  End-of-Life Care: A Physician's Perspective.  Dr. Michael Rabow  link

03.02.21  How Good are Medical Interventions?  Dr. Vinay Prasad  link

03.09.21 Enhancing Affordability for Patients: High Value Prescribing.  Dr. Chris Moriates  link

03.16.21 Caring Wisely: Supporting Frontline Providers and Staff in Improving Healthcare and Reducing Costs.  Dr. Catherine Lau  link

03.23.21 Is Value in the Eye of the Beholder? Dr. Ari Hoffman link

03.30.21 Safely Doing Less.  Dr Tom Newman link

04.06.21 How Less Health Care Can Sometimes Be Better For You.  Dr. Rita Redberg  link